Local setup

This document aims to assist users in setting up Inji Web on their local environment, offering step-by-step instructions to replicate the platform's functionality on their machine for development or testing purposes.


Clone the repositories in the local to bring up your own setup. Repository information can be fetched from here.


In order to run Inji Web locally, Node 18 is required. Please follow the below step to install node.

Node 18 - Can be installed using nvm. Run following commands to install node

$ curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
$ nvm install 18

Folder Structure:

  • helm: folder contains helm charts required to deploy on K8S

  • inji-web: contains the source code and Dockerfile

Run mimoto in local:

Running Mimoto locally involves setting up a development environment using Docker Compose. This allows you to test and develop the Backend for Frontend (BFF) service on your own machine, simulating its functionality such as handling API requests and performing validations. By using Docker Compose, you can easily manage Mimoto’s dependencies and configurations, ensuring a streamlined and controlled environment for development and troubleshooting before moving to production.

To setup mimoto in local, read here

Run Durian in local:

Running Durian locally is achieved through install scripts, enabling developers to set up and manage the secure data storage environment with ease. By using these scripts, you can test and validate Durian’s functionality, such as storing and retrieving Verifiable Credentials, on your local machine. This setup ensures a flexible and reliable development environment, allowing for thorough testing and configuration before moving to a live environment.

To setup durian in local, read here

Run Inji Web in local:

Let's explore how to initiate Inji Web locally after completing the setup on your local environment.

  • Run following commands to start the application:

$ cd ./inji-web
$ npm install
$ npm start


  • Running Web in local gives CORS error. To avoid this, run proxy server in local and use that proxy server in Inji Web. Refer here to setup proxy server in local and set mimoto url https://api.collab.mosip.net as api url.

  • Once proxy server is up, use proxy server in Inji Web.

  • Replace window.location.origin by proxy server url here


  • Run npm test to run tests

Build and run Docker for a service:

$ cd ./inji-web
$ docker build -t <dockerImageName>:<tag> .
$ docker run -it -d -p 3000:3000 <dockerImageName>:<tag>

Last updated

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