Version DP2
Release Name: Inji vDP2
Upgrade From: Inji 0.10.0
Support: Developer Preview Release2
Release Date: 22nd January, 2024
The Developer Preview Version 2 release is an additional release on top of Inji 0.10.0. This release primarily emphasizes:
UI enhancements
Internal enhancements
Security fixes
Bug fixes
Below is the detailed summary of the release.
UI enhancements
As a part of the VC sharing feature or listing of VCs for QR login, the Pinned VC will now appear on top of the VC list.
User can now provide one time consent for a selected VC while sharing the claims during QR code login.
Additionally, a search bar has been added to the
Add new card
screen to improve user experience by allowing users to search for issuers based on the title.Furthermore, any rendering issues in the user interface have been resolved.
Internal enhancements
Secure KeyStore and Tuvali have been integrated as independent NPM modules within the INJI framework. For further information, please refer to the provided documentation.
Additionally, all image assets have been converted from
format. This transition ensures the presence of a single asset set, and the color of the icons will now be dynamically rendered based on the application's theme.
Security Fixes
The critical vulnerabilities identified by OWASP dependency check have been addressed:
The expo-app-loading package has been replaced with expo-splash-screen for the purpose of app loading.
In order to enhance security for devices without hardware backed keystore, the
package has been substituted with node-forge for encryption, decryption, and HMAC generation.Efforts have been made to improve the security of data in the default file located in the
folder under the INJI-467 task.
Bug fixes
Functional Fixes
Issue ID
Unable to get error message when download retry count is updated to 10.
iOS - app data erased when we logout in offline.
We are not able to scan the e-signet QR code In iOS device.
App resets on re-launch after VC activation in iOS.
Logout not working in iOS version of Inji.
iOS - language preference is again asked when we logged out of the app.
UIN of previously downloaded VC is wrongly pre-filled in AID screen.
VC sharing is failing intermittently on Android.
Pinned VC's audit logs are missing.
App Crash
Issue ID
Android - app crashing while saving VC from eSignet, if the hardware keystore is rejected by user.
Android- The Inji app is crashing intermediately.
BLE issues
Issue ID
Android - specific verifier is not connecting with wallet.
Cross-platform - App couldn't recognize if the Bluetooth is turned off while in connection state.
Android - We are able to receive VC even if we turned off Bluetooth in specific devices.
Handle timeout during VC share via BLE.
Face Authentication
Issue ID
The app couldn't recognize resident face when there are changes.
UX issues
Issue ID
iOS- once we share VC through share with selfie, we are not getting successful screen in the wallet.
iOS - Loading Screen is missing after Face Auth.
Button name in "Status" page is not matching as per the requirement provided.
The navigation button to go back from the ID details page is missing, not matching the wireframe provided.
While logging out for the first time the language selection and tour guide show up.
There is no popup to cancel the download card.
The back button is not working on few places of the app.
While sharing the VC, if we click on scan icon, application displays the camera.
UI issues
Issue ID
UI - text search field in Add new card screen does not match wireframe.
Not getting "setting up" message under loading screen (intermittent screen).
'+' icon used for downloading VC is occupying three dots ellipses of last VC.
The face authentication button is not as per the theme color.
A page from wireframe is missing in the application.
On 'Received Card' screen expanded view of VC is not working.
The successful QR code login audit is not matching the wireframe.
There are few elements still in color, orange in the purple theme.
The app is not aligned properly with the smaller display phone.
Share button is not aligned properly in iOS and Android.
"It is necessary" text in consent screen is getting overlapped with page slider in smaller devices.
Try again button is not aligned properly upon change language to Tamil (when no internet connection).
Intermittent: Getting double toaster message on home screen.
Capture button text is not getting displayed completely.
In the connecting page user is getting some orange color box.
The error pop-up is not user friendly and not matching the UI.
The Download pop-up should stay longer.
Time stamp should be removed in OTP screen once it is expired.
Repository Released
Tags Released
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