OpenID4VP - Online Sharing

This library enables consumer applications (mobile wallet) to share users Verifiable Credentials with Verifiers who request them online. It adheres to the OpenID4VP specification which outlines the standards for requesting and presenting Verifiable Credentials.

Library Functionalities: Processing the Request from Decoding to Verifier Response

  1. Receives the Verifier's Authorization Request sent by the consumer application (mobile wallet).

  2. Authenticates the Verifier using the received client_id and validates the whole Request to check if the required details are present or not and then returns the Authorization Request to the consumer application if all the validations are successful.

  3. Receives the list of Verifiable Credentials from the consumer application which are selected by the consumer application end-user based on the credentials requested as part of Verifier Authorization request.

  4. Constructs the vp_token without proof section and sends it back to the consumer application for generating Json Web Signature (JWS).

  5. Receives the generated signature along with the other details and generates vp_token with proof section & presentation_submission.

  6. Sends a POST request with generated vp_token and presentation_submission to the received Verifier's response_uri endpoint.

  7. Below sections details on the steps for integrating the Kotlin and Swift packages into the app. Below sections details on the steps for integrating the Kotlin and Swift packages into the app.

Android: Kotlin package for OpenID4VP:


  • inji-openid4vp kotlin repo - here


Snapshot builds are available here.

Create instance of OpenID4VP library to invoke its methods

val openID4VP = OpenID4VP("test-OpenID4VP")


Below are the APIs provided by this library:

1. authenticateVerifier

  • Receives a list of trusted verifiers & Verifier's encoded Authorization request from consumer app(mobile wallet).

  • Decodes and parse the request, extracts the clientId and verifies it against trusted verifier's list clientId.

  • Returns the Authentication response which contains validated Presentation Definition of the Authorization request.

 val authenticationResponse = openID4VP.authenticateVerifier(encodedAuthenticationRequest: String, trustedVerifierJSON: List<Verifier>)





Base64 encoded string containing the Verifier's authorization request




A list of trusted Verifier objects each containing a clientId and a responseUri list



  1. DecodingException is thrown when there is an issue while decoding the Authorization Request

  2. InvalidQueryParams exception is thrown if

    • query params are not present in the Request

    • there is an issue while extracting the params

    • both presentation_definition and presentation_definition_uri are present in Request

    • both presentation_definition and presentation_definition_uri are not present in Request

  3. MissingInput exception is thrown if any of required params are not present in Request

  4. InvalidInput exception is thrown if any of required params value is empty or null

  5. InvalidVerifierClientID exception is thrown if the received request client_iD & response_uri are not matching with any of the trusted verifiers This method will also notify the Verifier about the error by sending it to the response_uri endpoint over http post request. If response_uri is invalid and validation failed then Verifier won't be able to know about it.

2. constructVerifiablePresentation

  • Receives a map of input_descriptor id & list of verifiable credentials for each input_descriptor that are selected by the end-user.

  • Creates a vp_token without proof using received input_descriptor IDs and verifiable credentials, then returns its string representation to consumer app(mobile wallet) for signing it.

    val vpTokenWithoutProof = openID4VP.constructVerifiablePresentation(verifiableCredentials: Map<String, List<String>>)




Map<String, List>

A Map which contains input descriptor id as key and corresponding matching Verifiable Credentials list as value.

mapOf("id_123" to listOf("vc1","vc2"))


  1. JsonEncodingFailed exception is thrown if there is any issue while serializing the vp_token without proof. This method will also notify the Verifier about the error by sending it to the response_uri endpoint over http post request. If response_uri is invalid and validation failed then Verifier won't be able to know about it.

3. shareVerifiablePresentation

  • This function constructs a vp_token with proof using received VPResponseMetadata, then sends it and the presentation_submission to the Verifier via a HTTP POST request.

  • Returns the response back to the consumer app(mobile app) saying whether it has received the shared Verifiable Credentials or not.

    val response = openID4VP.shareVerifiablePresentation(vpResponseMetadata: VPResponseMetadata)





This contains domain & proof details such as jws, signatureAlgorithm, publicKey, domain

VPResponseMetadata(jws = "eyJiweyrtwegrfwwaBKCGSwxjpa5suaMtgnQ",signatureAlgorithm = "RsaSignature2018",publicKey = "publicKey",domain = "")")


  1. JsonEncodingFailed exception is thrown if there is any issue while serializing the generating vp_token or presentation_submission class instances.

  2. InterruptedIOException is thrown if the connection is timed out when network call is made.

  3. NetworkRequestFailed exception is thrown when there is any other exception occurred when sending the response over http post request. This method will also notify the Verifier about the error by sending it to the response_uri endpoint over http post request. If response_uri is invalid and validation failed then Verifier won't be able to know about it.

4. sendErrorToVerifier

  • Receives an exception and sends its message to the Verifier via an HTTP POST request.

 openID4VP.sendErrorToVerifier(exception: Exception)





This contains the exception object

new Exception("exception message")


  1. InterruptedIOException is thrown if the connection is timed out when network call is made.

  2. NetworkRequestFailed exception is thrown when there is any other exception occurred when sending the response over http post request.

iOS: Swift package for OpenID4VP:


  • inji-openid4vp-ios-swift swift repo -> here


  1. Clone the repo.

  2. In your swift application go to file > add package dependency > add the in git search bar > add package.

  3. Import the library and use.

Create instance of OpenID4VP library to invoke its methods

let openID4VP = OpenID4VP(traceabilityId: "AXESWSAW123", networkManager: NetworkManager)


1. authenticateVerifier

  • Receives a list of trusted verifiers & Verifier's encoded Authorization request from consumer app(mobile wallet).

  • Decodes and parse the request, extracts the clientId and verifies it against trusted verifier's list clientId.

  • Returns the Authentication response which contains validated Presentation Definition of the Authorization request.

let response = try authenticateVerifier(encodedAuthorizationRequest: String, trustedVerifierJSON: [Verifier])





Base64 encoded string containing the Verifier's authorization request




A list of trusted Verifier objects each containing a clientId and a responseUri list

[Verifier(clientId: String, responseUris: [String])]


  1. DecodingException is thrown when there is an issue while decoding the Authorization Request

  2. InvalidQueryParams exception is thrown if

    • query params are not present in the Request

    • there is an issue while extracting the params

    • both presentation_definition and presentation_definition_uri are present in Request

    • both presentation_definition and presentation_definition_uri are not present in Request

  3. MissingInput exception is thrown if any of required params are not present in Request

  4. InvalidInput exception is thrown if any of required params value is empty or null

  5. InvalidVerifierClientID exception is thrown if the received request client_iD & response_uri are not matching with any of the trusted verifiers This method will also notify the Verifier about the error by sending it to the response_uri endpoint over http post request. If response_uri is invalid and validation failed then Verifier won't be able to know about it.

2. constructVerifiablePresentation

  • Receives a map of input_descriptor id & list of verifiable credentials for each input_descriptor that are selected by the end-user.

  • Creates a vp_token without proof using received input_descriptor IDs and verifiable credentials, then returns its string representation to consumer app(mobile wallet) for signing it.

    let response = try openID4VP.constructVerifiablePresentation(credentialsMap: [String: [String]])




[String: [String]]

A Map which contains input descriptor id as key and corresponding matching Verifiable Credentials list as value



  1. JsonEncodingFailed exception is thrown if there is any issue while serializing the vp_token without proof. This method will also notify the Verifier about the error by sending it to the response_uri endpoint over http post request. If response_uri is invalid and validation failed then Verifier won't be able to know about it.

3. shareVerifiablePresentation

  • This function constructs a vp_token with proof using received VPResponseMetadata, then sends it and the presentation_submission to the Verifier via a HTTP POST request.

  • Returns the response back to the consumer app(mobile app) saying whether it has received the shared Verifiable Credentials or not.

    let response = try await openID4VP.shareVerifiablePresentation(vpResponseMetadata: VPResponseMetadata)





This contains domain & proof details such as jws, signatureAlgorithm, publicKey, domain

VPResponseMetadata(jws: "jws", signatureAlgorithm: "signatureAlgoType", publicKey: "publicKey", domain: "domain")


  1. JsonEncodingFailed exception is thrown if there is any issue while serializing the generating vp_token or presentation_submission class instances.

  2. InterruptedIOException is thrown if the connection is timed out when network call is made.

  3. NetworkRequestFailed exception is thrown when there is any other exception occurred when sending the response over http post request. This method will also notify the Verifier about the error by sending it to the response_uri endpoint over http post request. If response_uri is invalid and validation failed then Verifier won't be able to know about it.

4. sendErrorToVerifier

  • Receives an exception and sends its message to the Verifier via an HTTP POST request.

 openID4VP.sendErrorToVerifier(error: Error)





This contains the exception object

AuthorizationConsent.consentRejectedError(message: "User rejected the consent")


  1. InterruptedIOException is thrown if the connection is timed out when network call is made.

  2. NetworkRequestFailed exception is thrown when there is any other exception occurred when sending the response over http post request.

OpenID4VP library and Inji Wallet integration:

The below diagram shows the interactions between Inji Wallet, Verifier and OpenID4VP library.

Last updated

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