UI customization

CSS Themes

Currently, Inji Wallet supports two themes:

  • default gradient

  • purple

We can customize the application by adding a new file under components/ui/themes and import that file in components/ui/styleUtils.ts and assign that to Theme variable in it. Default Gradient theme is referred as DefaultTheme.


    import { PurpleTheme } from './PurpleTheme';
    export const Theme = PurpleTheme;

App Logo and Background Images

To change app logo on homescreen

HomeScreenLogo: require(path of logo you want to use, in string format) in a theme file

import HomeScreenLogo from '../../../assets/InjiHomeLogo.svg';
export const DefaultTheme = {
    HomeScreenLogo: HomeScreenLogo

Profile logo is part of downloaded verifiable credential. If credential doesn't face/photo attribute, default profile icon is being used.

To change the profile logo, In ProfileIcon.tsx, refer

import {Icon} from 'react-native-elements';
use `person` as icon from the library

Card background is driven by wellknown exposed by issuing authoriy. If background details are not exposed, default background is being used. To change card background on home screen if not provided by issuer:

CloseCard: require(path of the image you want to use, in string format)

export const DefaultTheme = {
    CloseCard: require('../../../assets/Card_Bg1.png'),

To change background on card details screen if not provided by issuer

OpenCard: require(path of the image you want to use, in string format)

export const DefaultTheme = {
    OpenCard: require('../../../assets/Card_Bg1.png'),

To change the top header icons:

In HomeScreenLayout.tsx, refer

 var HomeScreenOptions = {
    headerLeft: () =>
      isIOS() || !isRTL
        ? SvgImage.InjiLogo(Theme.Styles.injiLogo)
        : screenOptions,
    headerTitle: '',
    headerRight: () =>
      isIOS() || !isRTL
        ? screenOptions
        : SvgImage.InjiLogo(Theme.Styles.injiLogo),


To change the text, colour and logo for Tabs:

In main.ts, there are 4 tab screens variables

const home: TabScreen
const scan: TabScreen
const history: TabScreen
const settings: TabScreen

image can be changed by icon attribute, text and styles can be changed by options attribute in MainLayout.tsx while rendering Navigator

const history: TabScreen = {
  name: BOTTOM_TAB_ROUTES.history,
  component: HistoryScreen,
  icon: 'history',
  options: {
    headerTitleStyle: Theme.Styles.HistoryHeaderTitleStyle,
    title: i18n.t('MainLayout:history'),

Card content text color is driven by wellknown exposed by issuing authoriy. If text color is not exposed, default color is being used. To change default Label text color if not provided by issuer:

export const DefaultTheme = {
  Colors: {
     DetailsLabel: Colors.Gray40,

To change default Label value color if not provided by issuer:

export const DefaultTheme = {
  Colors: {
     Details: Colors.Black,

To change the colour of + icon colour:

In HomeScreen.tsx, refer DownloadFABIcon component

const DownloadFABIcon: React.FC = () => {
    const plusIcon

To change the colours of Label in Settings:

export const DefaultTheme = {
  Colors: {
     settingsLabel: Colors.Black,
     textLabel: Colors.Grey,

To change the background and label colour for version section:

export const DefaultTheme = {
    Colors: {
      aboutVersion: Colors.Gray40,
    Styles: StyleSheet.create({
      versionContainer: {
        backgroundColor: Colors.Grey6,
        margin: 4,
        borderRadius: 14,

To change colour on add new card page:

export const DefaultTheme = {
    Styles: StyleSheet.create({
    issuerHeading: {
      fontFamily: 'Inter_600SemiBold',
      fontSize: 14,
      paddingHorizontal: 3,
      marginBottom: 2,
      marginTop: 5,
    issuerDescription: {
      fontSize: 11,
      lineHeight: 14,
      color: Colors.ShadeOfGrey,
      paddingVertical: 5,
      paddingHorizontal: 3,
      paddingTop: 1.4,

VC Card Customization:

The VC can be dynamically rendered with all the fields, and if the display properties provided in the .well-known, Inji Wallet downloads the .well-known and applies the below properties on the VC template to modify the VC render.

  • Text colour

  • Background colour

  • Logo change

  "display": [
      "name": "MOSIP Identity Verifiable Credential",
      "locale": "en",
      "logo": {
        "url": "https://esignet.collab.mosip.net/logo.png",
        "alt_text": "a square logo of a Esignet"
      "background_color": "#FDFAF9",
      "text_color": "#7C4616"

Last updated

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