Credential Providers

Inji Wallet currently provides support for following credential providers:

Download VC using OpenID for VC Issuance Flow

  • National ID

  • Insurance

To set up a new provider that can issue VC, it can be accomplished by making a few configuration changes.


  1. The configuration details can be found in the mimoto-issuers-config.json property file. This file is maintained separately for each deployment environment. In this repository, each environment's configuration is stored in a dedicated branch specific to that environment.

Refer to mimoto-issuers-config.json of Collab environment.

These values will be used by Inji Wallet via Mimoto. Mimoto exposes APIs which is used by the Inji Wallet application to fetch, store the issuers and their configurations in the local storage.

  • API used to fetch issuers:

  1. In mimoto-issuers-config.json, new providers can be added as per the well-known schema defined by OpenID4VCI standards.

After adding the provider in configuration, it will be displayed on the UI on Add new card screen.

  • If new provider supports OpenID4VCI protocol, it is recommended to use issuerMachine.ts for workflow to download VC.

  1. At present, Inji Wallet supports verification of VCs which has RSA proof type. If VC is issued with any other proof type, VC verification is bypassed and it is marked as verified.

  2. Token endpoint should also use same issuer id. Refer

  3. Once the above steps are completed, mimoto should be onboarded as an OIDC client for every issuer. Please check the steps in the below sections.

Onboarding Mimoto as OIDC Client for a new Issuer:

Use mock data from collab sandbox env

If you are looking to try out wallet and certify building locally, then you can use collab env eSignet as authorization server. Here are the details:

  1. We have configured few UINs/Individual Ids to use. These UINs can be used while configuring the data for credential. (Few Demo UINs you can use):


Male (Adult)

2154189532 , 5614273165

Female (Adult)

2089250384 , 5860356276

Minor (aged btw 5-18yrs)


Infant (aged below 5 yrs)


  1. Use wallet-demo as client id in mimoto-issuers-config.json

  2. Use wallet-demo-client as client alias in mimoto-issuers-config.json

  3. oidckeystore.p12 file is attached here password to unlock this is xy4gh6swa2i

  4. authorization server to use in well-known is

After configuring issuers and data as mentioned above, we will be able to successfully authenticate through esigent and download credential in wallet.

Create new client-id and onboard mimoto as OIDC client

Step 1:

Please find a zip file attached to this document called which will help the user in creating the p12 file as well as the public-key.jwk file.

Step 2:

The file explains the working of the script.

Step 3:

Create a client ID using the Esignet API which is mentioned below:

RequestURL : {{ESIGNET-URL}}/v1/esignet/client-mgmt/oidc-client

Sample Request Body:

  "requestTime": "2024-06-19T11:56:01.925Z",
  "request": {
    "clientId": "client-id", #ClientId can be given as per user choice
    "clientName": "client-name", #ClientName can be given as per user choice and this name shows on the UI
    "publicKey": "public-key" #This public key you can get from the script results ,
    "relyingPartyId": "client-id", #This value can be same as clientId
    "userClaims":  [       #Claims Section defines the different attributes of User Data taht is accessible to the OIDC client
    "authContextRefs":  [ #ACR values define the various ways a user can login e.g through INJI,using Bioemtrics and Throguh OTP
    "logoUri": "logourl" #This is logo url which is displayed on UI,
    "redirectUris": [ "io.mosip.residentapp.inji://oauthredirect","],#These are the redirectUris for Inji wallet mobile and web both
    "grantTypes": [
    "clientAuthMethods": [

Sample Response :

    "responseTime": "2024-11-13T08:16:42.259Z",
    "response": {
        "clientId": "client-id",
        "status": "ACTIVE"
    "errors": []
  1. Clients can get renewed by demand, but that mean some manual changes are required. It is always recommended to create a client once per environment as it has no expiry. Also note that one public key and p12 file pair can be used only once . ( Unless removed from DB )

  2. The script in mimoto as well as the helm charts inside mimoto repo were changed to allow for the storage and mounting of the oidckeystore.p12 file

Step 4:

The logo URL should be uploaded to file server.

For Onboarding any new issuer, Step 1 to 4 has to be followed and p12 has to be generated.

Step 5:

Once p12 file is generated, existing keystore file has to be exported from mimoto pod and newly created p12 file has to be imported and remounted in the Mimoto pod.

Step 6:

Once mimoto is added as an OIDC client, the new issuer should be added as a partner to mimoto.

Using MOSIP services to issue MOSIP Credential:

  1. Create a partner - following is the process of adding a new partner by the name of “esignet--partner “ onto mimoto. Refer here to create a partner and onboard the partner in MOSIP Ecosystem.

We already have a p12 file on the mimoto pod (as explained in above section), we are not replacing or creating a second p12 file, We are only adding another key to the key-store already present.

  1. Add this newly created partner into existing keystore - download the existing p12 file from the mimoto pod using this command from the environment's terminal:

kubectl -n mimoto cp <mimoto-podname>:certs/ oidckeystore.p12
  1. Add the esignet--partner's key as alias “esignet--partner“ onto the same p12 file using a tool like keystore-explorer. Use the password used while generating p12 file

  1. The below image shows how to browse and select the client-id’s oidckeystore as the second alias. in the decryption password field should have the password of the p12 file. Note: we have used esignet-sunbird-partner as client id for reference in the attachment

  1. The below image shows how to add an alias for the new key pair, here the value is esignet-sunbird-partner.

  1. To take a backup of the original keystore.p12 use the following command

kubectl -n mimoto get secrets mimotooidc -o yaml | sed "s/name: mimotooidc/name: mimotooidc-backup/g" | kubectl -n mimoto create -f -
  1. Delete the existing mimotooidc secret using the following command

kubectl delete secret -n mimoto mimotooidc
  1. To create a new secret containing both the keypair.

kubectl -n mimoto create secret generic mimotooidc --from-file=./oidckeystore.p12
  1. Create the required secrets in the cluster such as mimoto.oidc.mock.partner.clientid and use the client ID from the response of create oidc-client request.

  2. Make sure to add the the mimoto.oidc.mock.partner.clientid inside the config-server deployment yaml file

  3. Restart the Mimoto pod to take all the changes.

Last updated

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